Other Sources of Crystallographic Software and Utilities | |
ccp14 | A vast compilation of crystallographic software originally put together by the late and great Lachlan Cranswick, (Thank you, Lachlan) as well a lot of tutorials, discussion lists and other information on how to use it. |
EXPGUI | A graphical user interface for GSAS written by Brian Toby. Includes some tutorials. |
FullProf | Software for Rietveld refinement |
CrysFML | Fortran modules for crystallographic calculations and data |
Jana | Structure solution and refinement software, including incommensurate structures |
OLEX-2 | Structure solution and refinement software and crystallographic consulting |
Bilbao Crystallographic Server | Tools for all aspects of crystallographic symmetry |
Isodistort | Tools for analysing structural phase transitions |
enCIFer | enCIFer is a tool to edit and check Crystallographic Information Files (cifs). Very useful, and easy to use! |
IUCr cif checker | Validation tools for cifs |
CrystalMaker® | We use the commercial software package CrystalMaker® to visualise crystal structures and make movies of their evolution. |
Teaching resourses |
Giant Crystals Documentary | A professional documentary by Prof. Juan Manuel Garcia-Ruiz about the growth and use of natural giant crystals. Informative, suitable for a general audience, and with absolutely stunning pictures! Available in English, Spanish, French and Italian. |
IYCr2014 hompeage | Website established by the IUCr with links to many teaching resources, activities and events. |
Crystallography Associations and Journals |
International Union of Crystallography | Journals, History, News |
European Crystallographic Association | |
Italian Crystallographic Association | |
German Crystallographic Association | |
Bulgarian Crystallographic Association | |
British Crystallographic Association | |
American Crystallographic Association | |
Other resourses |
dactools | Equipment for high-pressure diamond-anvil cell experiments, from a leading researcher |
OLEX-2 | Structure solution and refinement software and crystallographic consulting |
2dsintheta | Consultants in marketing and management, especially for small high-tech. Led by Leigh Rees former marketing director of Oxford Diffraction |