Other Sources of Crystallographic Software and Utilities
ccp14 A vast compilation of crystallographic software originally put together by the late and great Lachlan Cranswick, (Thank you, Lachlan) as well a lot of tutorials, discussion lists and other information on how to use it.
EXPGUI A graphical user interface for GSAS written by Brian Toby. Includes some tutorials.
FullProf Software for Rietveld refinement
CrysFML Fortran modules for crystallographic calculations and data
Jana Structure solution and refinement software, including incommensurate structures
OLEX-2 Structure solution and refinement software and crystallographic consulting
Bilbao Crystallographic Server Tools for all aspects of crystallographic symmetry
Isodistort Tools for analysing structural phase transitions
enCIFer enCIFer is a tool to edit and check Crystallographic Information Files (cifs). Very useful, and easy to use!
IUCr cif checker Validation tools for cifs
CrystalMaker® We use the commercial software package CrystalMaker® to visualise crystal structures and make movies of their evolution.

Teaching resourses
Giant Crystals Documentary A professional documentary by Prof. Juan Manuel Garcia-Ruiz about the growth and use of natural giant crystals. Informative, suitable for a general audience, and with absolutely stunning pictures! Available in English, Spanish, French and Italian.
IYCr2014 hompeage Website established by the IUCr with links to many teaching resources, activities and events.

Crystallography Associations and Journals
International Union of Crystallography Journals, History, News
European Crystallographic Association
Italian Crystallographic Association
German Crystallographic Association
Bulgarian Crystallographic Association
British Crystallographic Association
American Crystallographic Association

Other resourses
dactools Equipment for high-pressure diamond-anvil cell experiments, from a leading researcher
OLEX-2 Structure solution and refinement software and crystallographic consulting
2dsintheta Consultants in marketing and management, especially for small high-tech. Led by Leigh Rees former marketing director of Oxford Diffraction